R22 Replacement

What is R22?

R22 is the refrigerant gas found in the majority of air conditioning equipment over 10 years old. R22 is a hydrochloroflourocarbon (HCFC) which can potentially cause ozone depletion if leaked into the atmosphere. In 2003 R22 was banned from use in newly manufactured air conditioning systems. There are two options available for R22 replacement which are as follows:

Replace the whole system including pipe work


  • Efficiency is improved
  • Less energy is used which lowers running costs
  • Reduces the impact on the environment
  • Warranty as standard on new units


  • High initial capital outlay
  • Substantial short term disruption

Only replace the units and leave existing wiring and pipe work in place


  • Efficiency and performance are improved
  • Reliability in increased
  • Running costs reduced
  • Costs less compared to replacing the whole system
  • Less disruptive and faster than replacing the whole system
  • Using the infrastructure already in place reduces waste
  • CO2 emissions reduced


  • Not always possible as some systems will need to be completely replaced
  • Initial capital outlay
  • Short term disruption

R22 - Next Steps

Cool-Rite can help you plan to cost-effectively replace existing R22 equipment. Our engineers will take all factors into consideration to advise you on your best course of action whether you’re anywhere in Gloucestershire, Gloucester, South West and further afield.. Time is running out on your r22 Replacement, don’t delay! Call us on 0117 9475 953 to find out.